Much of the information for the marine ecology elements of the trip can be found in the handbook. Some further resources and reading are below.
Rocky shore species
- A full list of the marine and intertidal species found in Pembrokeshire can be viewed here
- The Marine Life Information Network has a handy photo ID gallery of UK marine and intertidal species
Marine ecology research tools
- Introductory reading from the Encyclopedia of Ecology on the Rocky Intertidal Zone and Intertidal Zonation (you may need to be logged in with your University of Leeds account)
- Field Studies Council marine ecology research overview
- Field Studies Council method for marine diversity
- Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales Benthic habitat assessment guidance for rocky shore habitats and rockpools (GN030a)
- Simpson’s diversity index calculator
- Field Studies Council secondary data/reports specific to Dale Fort
Tidal data
- The National Tidal and Sea Level Facility (NTSLF) provides a huge amount of information and data on UK tides and sea level
- You can find half-hourly tidal data for the next 7 days for Dale Fort via Admiralty easy tide
- Long-term tidal data for Milford Haven is available from PSMSL
- Details of Milford Haven Chart Datum level and tidal levels are available from NTSLF (note, data for Dale Fort is not available as this is a ‘secondary port’ without long-term observations)