After completing your training activities, you will undertake a Capstone Project in your teams, to be presented in the Capstone Project Conference on the last day of the trip. This marks the culmination of your field work training on this course.

More information about the Capstone Project, and these two different strands, is given in the handbook, and you should check there for details.

Tasha and Dom are leading the Capstone Project for SOEE3801 students.
Ruza, Ian and Neely are team-leading the Capstone Project for SOEE3791/5096M students.

Health & Safety Information

You must read the sections of the Risk Assessment relevant to the Capstone Project before embarking on your project: DaleFort_RA_Capstone_REDACTED

Particular points to note when planning and executing your project :

  • Consider the weather, light conditions and other environmental considerations, e.g. the nature of the terrain (avoid slips, trips and falls – is the ground frozen, unstable, muddy, or covered in debris/obstacles? Avoid falling objects)
  • Think about distance from the field centre and your needs when making your plan. You are in charge, so make sure that your plan will keep you safe and comfortable.
  • Keep to public or permissive rights of way, public land, or the Field Centre.
  • Be careful of traffic on/near roads and car parks.
  • If conditions change for the worse, you may need to change your plan and/or return to the field centre. If this is the case, you can talk to staff about how to use your remaining time/adapt your project.
  • Never work alone, always stay with at least one other person and make sure that one of you has a mobile ‘phone (kept dry and with battery for a location check and call).
  • Use equipment safely and as instructed by teaching staff.
  • Take enough food, drink and any medication with you. Keep warm/cool (weather depending), dry, nourished and hydrated throughout the day. Take the rest and toilet breaks you need!
  • Be kind and considerate to others in the environment, adhering to the Field Centre’s Behavioural Code.


All submissions should be in .pdf format. Presentations can also be in .ppt or .pptx format. No other formats will be accepted.

SOEE3801 Capstone Project
Project plan template* and submission form
Project presentation submission form

SOEE3791/5096M Capstone Project
Project plan template* and submission form
Project presentation submission form

* Go to ‘File’ -> ‘Save as’ to save your own working version of a template.

L3 Capstone Resources (SOEE3801)

TMS probe and iButton data are available to download:

Woodland/terrestrial ecology suggested reading (also see the handbook!)

Rainfall record for Dale Fort area from 1849 to 2020 (dataset download). The source publication (Burt, Howden and Osborn, 2020) can be viewed here.

L5 Capstone Resources (SOEE3791/5096M)

Climatological data
Python jupyter notebook and .csv format data from the Met Office observing station to compute climatological Tmax, Tmin, wind speed and daily rainfall for October.

High-res forecast
WRF Model Analysis

Deployment map
Planned locations